Introducing the Instruments
Join members of the ensemble as we introduce many of the instruments and voices involved in The Language of Bells!
Evelyn introduces some of the instruments in her Sam and Ibi introduce viols, and the viol consort
enormous collection of bells!
enormous collection of bells!
Ibi and Sam look particularly at the bass viol as a Emily and Berty introduce their voices, and what
solo instrument. makes up a vocal consort.
solo instrument. makes up a vocal consort.
Jenny and Kate talk about finding the right viol, with Do you remember Evelyn playing this instrument
stories from all of Chelys introducing their own in the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony?
instruments, and a lovely insight into making from Here she tells you more about the Aluphone.
luthier Renate Fink.
stories from all of Chelys introducing their own in the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony?
instruments, and a lovely insight into making from Here she tells you more about the Aluphone.
luthier Renate Fink.
Berty, Emily and Jill talk about how singers use words
in their communicative expression, but also look at what
happens when there are no words in a vocal piece...
in their communicative expression, but also look at what
happens when there are no words in a vocal piece...